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I've said it here before and I'll say it again: Depending on how the 4T turns out, I think Citizens United could very well be this saeculum's Dred Scott decision in terms of how it fueled public disgust with the status quo and fired up the sentiments of those who believe it was symptomatic of a sick society.
This 4T will either consolidate the dreams of the Master Class for a Corporate State in which a "safe" form of Christianity becomes the control of the working class effectively rendered politically impotent -- or force major changes of American political institutions that close the seams of the democratic political system. We can rule out incremental change because the one generation that can offer it (the Silent) is weakening rapidly.
In view of the behavior of the Roberts Court I can imagine it defining a new "freedom" as more important than anything else -- freedom of contract, which implies that the government must get out of the way of any hard deals that the powerful and wealthy can impose upon the helpless that regulation or law now makes impossible. Such could negate just about every liberal reform going back to the New Deal and even the century-old Progressive Era. Bye-bye minimum-wage law, unemployment insurance, collective bargaining, and perhaps even child labor laws. God Help Us? Not under those circumstances, for the Master Class would then claim to "own" God. Maybe employers would even get to control the votes of employees as part of the "freedom of contract", with the Supreme Court overturning the requirement of secret ballots. One might as well be in China, the political difference being that the Chinese Communists (who have abandoned Marxist economics and might as well call themselves Conservatives) have gutted Mao and some other unsavory characters, our political bosses will have gutted the greatness of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR. Gutting Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao is a good idea. Gutting Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR is a horrible idea.
Our Constitutional government has survived for over 200 years not because it has no seams, but instead because for nearly 200 years nobody dared seek and exploit those seams. That changed when ruthless operators (mostly right-wing Boomers) entered the scene and decided that their insatiable lusts were the only measure of goodness for the rest of humanity.
I can imagine the worst, a 100%-American fascism that well fits certain subcultures within American life. American-style fascism doesn't need adulation of Imperial Rome (Italy), a racist fantasy based on the elevation of primitive tribes with advanced technology (Germany), or a samurai fantasy (Japan). American fascists have Manifest Destiny to revive; they could use music that Nazis would ban (Copland, Gershwin -- not that either was a fascist); they would use Protestant fundamentalism instead of State Shinto. It would celebrate the greed of elites and submission of the masses to the "Common Good" -- consummate selfishness of elites by permission and selflessness of the masses by command and by lack of alternatives.
The best is that people reject political trends going too far in one direction. Democracy is not the enshrinement of wealth and power. We deal with our own contemporary pathologies in commercial and public life or someone else does in the end on terms not of our choosing.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters