Sadly I may have to agree with you here.
And that would not have been my inclination if I had been able to respond before yesterday but last night's dinner was an experience for me.
I know that you can't generalize to a larger group of people based on one experience without drifting into stereotypes but life is for learning.
Anyway, as I live in rural SC almost all of my neighbors are red stater types. And, like most rural people, most of them are on very insecure ground economically.
But of course that's not true for everyone around here and one person that I've known since 2008 when retired to this area from Manhattan. And yes, I mean the one in New York not the college town in Knasas. Anyway, this person had a background in electrical engeneering before going into a fairly second successful carrer in music. This is a person who traveled the globe and has met many different types of people. Such a background is not common around here and that's one of the reasons why we became friends after being introduced by a workplace collegue of mine.
At any rate, it has become common for us to have dinner together from time to time and last night was such a time. I already knew that this person was conservative. After all, it's unlikely that a liberal retiree would choose to live around here, but I had always thought of him as a conventianal Republican type. Not anymore. In the course of our conversation he revieled to me that he was not only hoping that a war with Iran would begin but that it would lead to a total economic dislocation within the US and he wanted all of this hardship to happen simply because Obama would be blamed for it all.
The only response that I could give him was the old chestnut to be careful what you wish for as all things ona global scale have unintended blowback.
To sum up the dinner ended fairly gracefully afterward, but I don't know if I want to associate, much less break bread, with this person anymore.
His soul is dark.
I'm going to try not to apply this experience to others that I know around here but I feel even more outnumbered on a certain level now than I did just 24 hours ago.
In short, I now believe that if a civil war type 4T came to western SC that he would quickly turn in me and whatever other liberals have befriended him.
And I would have never have thougth this about him before yesterday.
