Originally Posted by
herbal tee
At any rate, it has become common for us to have dinner together from time to time and last night was such a time. I already knew that this person was conservative. After all, it's unlikely that a liberal retiree would choose to live around here, but I had always thought of him as a conventional Republican type. Not anymore. In the course of our conversation he revieled to me that he was not only hoping that a war with Iran would begin but that it would lead to a total economic dislocation within the US and he wanted all of this hardship to happen simply because Obama would be blamed for it all.
The only response that I could give him was the old chestnut to be careful what you wish for as all things ona global scale have unintended blowback.
To sum up the dinner ended fairly gracefully afterward, but I don't know if I want to associate, much less break bread, with this person anymore.
His soul is dark.
I thought that George W. Bush was a horrible President at the moment that he went after Valerie Plame in the aftermath of the exposure of the falsity of the Niger yellowcake report. He was suspect for some of his connections to a monstrously-corrupt corporation (Enrob) and dishonest rhetoric (most blatantly his "Healthy Forests Initiative" that any forest that lumber companies wanted to clear-cut could do so -- is "no forest" a euphemism for a "healthy forest"?). It would have been bad enough had he presented his "Ownership Society" as one in which entrepreneurs and executives had more power over workers so that there might be more wages paid (if smaller ones)... but it instead proved to mean predatory lending to get people into houses that they could never afford.
Suffice to say, we got very bad results -- two bungled wars and the worst economic meltdown in nearly eighty years. But I would have never have wished for that. I wish that he could have gotten away with wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and that his "Ownership Society" didn't depend on a miracle but instead leave a great failure. It's easy to see what the civil response to President Barack Obama would have been from one of his detractors -- basically, "I hope he gets away with it because we need a few things going right".
I'm going to try not to apply this experience to others that I know around here but I feel even more outnumbered on a certain level now than I did just 24 hours ago.
In short, I now believe that if a civil war type 4T came to western SC that he would quickly turn in me and whatever other liberals have befriended him.
And I would have never have thought this about him before yesterday.

One would think that people would recognize the danger of hatred -- and the severity of the consequences of national failure in a 4T. Do these people think that they will be somehow better off if a city like Denver is vaporized?
I know that many people still harbor a visceral hatred of the President. But shouldn't he be a point of pride?
Well, keep your gas tank full. You might need to take a trip to Columbus... Ohio, that is.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters