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It may be bad form to mock a religion but people should be allowed free speech. Other religions are routinely bashed without its member going on killing sprees or issuing death warrants etc. The response in the Muslim world over some movie or a cartoon or a book is completely uncalled for and outragious. We should not have our freedom of speech and expression curtailed out of political correctness.
I also love how cultural misunderstanding is fueling this conversation. The Middle East is still largely bound by a culture of honor and as such:
Various sociologists and anthropologists have contrasted cultures of honour with cultures of law. In a culture of law there is a body of laws which must be obeyed by all, with punishments for transgressors. This requires a society with the structures required to enact and enforce laws. A culture of law incorporates an unwritten social contract: members of society agree to give up some aspects of their freedom to defend themselves and retaliate for injuries, on the understanding that transgressors will be apprehended and punished by society.
From the viewpoint of anthropologists, cultures of honour typically appear among nomadic peoples and herdsmen who carry their most valuable property with them and risk having it stolen, without having recourse to law enforcement or government. In this situation,
inspiring fear forms a better strategy than promoting friendship; and cultivating a reputation for swift and disproportionate revenge increases the safety of one's person and property. Thinkers ranging from Montesquieu to Steven Pinker have remarked upon the mindset needed for a culture of honour.
Add religious beliefs into the mix and you get a pot boiler.
We used to be too, until we ended the Nomadic herdsman lifestyle and began viewing cowboys as a bygone idea. Now we just see it as either a nostalgic Romantic part of a bygone era, part of an old way of life from an Old World, something for a laugh, or a little bit of everything.
Do I think that it's right the Libyans killed our ambassador? No. Do I think we're trying to approach their culture horribly? Yes. How do we "solve" this problem? It's not something we can solve overnight as its Egyptian society that has to change and evolve, because short of responding with more vengeance killing, there wouldn't be any recourse of action that would garner as much attention... well maybe there's Athena's way, but I'm not so sure how that would work...
Last edited by Chas'88; 09-12-2012 at 02:21 PM.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."