Originally Posted by
Kurt Horner
Would you allow a person who was being slandered to assault the person who slandered them? No, of course not. The important moral distinction here is that speech does not create a justification for retaliatory violence.
I only brought up slander because it's the easiest counter to the "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" argument. Obviously, words have power and can be misused, and the misuse can hurt others. Unlimited free speech doesn't work. You raised some other good points, and I addressed them separately, albeit, not in terms of slander per se.

Originally Posted by
Kurt Horner ...
Now with to regard to slander, I think that you may have a bit of a point -- except that in order to be slander, the thing being said must a) be false and b) must cause the slandered person to lose opportunities which they otherwise would have had. In other words, there has to be a material impact stemming from a lie.
In the case of this film, there is no material impact. Being butthurt is not a tort. Moreover, some of the "slanders" in the film (like Mohammed having sex with a child) are true, and thus not actually slander.
I agree up to this point: we don't know the intent of the person/people making this incredibly stupid film. We do know that someone translated it into Arabic, uploaded it to a YouTube server conveniently serving the middle east, and advertised its existance. Was all that done by the limpbrain(s) who made it? If so, the intent was pretty clearly to create havoc? If not, then your point is well taken. The film maker(s) is(are) merely stupid. Stupid is not a crime. There may still be liabity if the limpbrain(s) was(were) in on the missue of his(their) artistic triumph.
As far as slandering the dead, this is not subject to prosecution or torts. It's moot. In any case, do we really know what Muhhamad did or didn't do in the 600s ... or care, for that matter? That others do is a sad commentary, but considering the extent they may go to defend his reputation, awareness seems to be the rational response.
Last edited by Marx & Lennon; 09-17-2012 at 09:05 PM.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.