You're cute when you're asleep, Cat.
Samuel Jackson's words are for those who already support Obama, but who don't think the election matters. For those libertarian inclined, on the other hand, you guys have a more serious sleeping problem (Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), but as I said, considering who Romney is and what he says, ought to wake you guys up.
Voting for the bosses won't cure our ills. We need to look out for our interests, and the country's. The undercover bosses are not what they are portrayed to be! Meet the new Boss (Romney), same as the old Boss (Bush).
Xers may NEVER win the White House, and they may never rule congress either. Their cynicism and their adoption of the Reagan crap is discrediting them, and Paul Ryan is their posterboy. Just as their "music" reflects their out-of-date, negative, angry, grungy, snarky and tired ways, so does their politics. Americans don't vote for cynics; that's a fact! Look for the Xers
never to take power. Boomers and boomer-cuspers will rule through the 4T, and Jonesers
even beyond, and then the Millies will take over.
This is
not an official Eric prediction.

Xers are not all bad. I'm exaggerating for effect, to balance out the constant boomer-bashing.