"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
“It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed … so, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It’s much more akin to printing money.” - B.Bernanke
"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite
Dude, it doesn't matter who we vote for. I am part of the 53% and one way or another, some of my money is going to go to other people.
We have a small bit of choice, though. Do we want our taxes to go to investment subsidies and government spending for corporate projects owned by people like Romney, who pay a lower effective rate than us?
Or, do we want our taxes to go to things like medicine and education, so there's some slim hope that future generations can get good enough jobs to pay us back some of that Social Security and Medicare we've been shelling out every year?
Or... if you think Obama is a secret Muslim intent on destroying America... let the grownups talk. And vote.
Those words, "temperate and moderate", are words either of political cowardice, or of cunning, or seduction. A thing, moderately good, is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper, is always a virtue; but moderation in principle, is a species of vice.
'82 - Once & always independent
What's the frame of reference? We can sit on the outside, surrounded by the great literature of political theory, untempted by real power, and agree on that conclusion... sure.
Inside the beltway, where everyone is or works for a corporate whore? Then there is some small degree of relative difference, I think.
Those words, "temperate and moderate", are words either of political cowardice, or of cunning, or seduction. A thing, moderately good, is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper, is always a virtue; but moderation in principle, is a species of vice.
'82 - Once & always independent
i think obama would rather not have to ask large corporate donors for cash. he's spoken out against citizens united. i believe at heart he'd prefer public financing.
romney, on the other hand, loves hanging with the rich folks.
until we get rid of citizens united and reform our political system, you're still going to see corporate influence.
both parties take advantage of it.
but this liberal will still give money to and vote for dems based on dozens of other issues, while at the same time advocate for real change.
Hey, I'm not a big fan of Obama and I've been picking apart his sell-outs from the start. He's screwed up on the NDAA requests, PATRIOT Act requests, InsurerCare, investor welfare, hell I could go on and on...
But then Romney comes along and starts bitching that Obama hasn't been enough of a corporate whore! Whoa there, I gotta draw the line!
Of course, if you really want to go in the other direction, Jill Stein & Gary Johnson are the only choices. They won't win, but there's a chance that growing 3rd party turnouts might someday get someone's attention and cause... something different to happen. Maybe. Someday.
But right now we can at least weigh in on the question of whether or not Obama has been enough of a corporate whore, or if we should get one with even less shame.
Last edited by JohnMc82; 09-28-2012 at 01:48 PM.
Those words, "temperate and moderate", are words either of political cowardice, or of cunning, or seduction. A thing, moderately good, is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper, is always a virtue; but moderation in principle, is a species of vice.
'82 - Once & always independent
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
Neither of you are old enoug to speak for either generation ... especially the Lost. My parents graduated from high school in 1932. Beleiive me, they werre happy to see anything tha looked like progress. Now I will say that the view in the North was probabaly a lot better than the view in the South. But then, the South has acted against its own best interest for a long time.
If Roosevelt hadn't used the miltary budget as a tool to sabilize the South, the entire region woudl have dried up and blown away. That's why he won big even there.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
This is and has been my number 1 issue. We are deciding to be a banana republic, when the knowledge of how to end this is right there for us to use. Now, this death wish is reversable, but that requires aggressive action. I don't see anyone among the Democrats willing to take a stand for aggressive anything. So where are we then?
We have a 4T, and we have an opportunity. We also have well funded opposition with enough of the population behind the money to make change very hard. All we're lacking is leadership. This is where Odin, and a few others, misunderstand the role of the "great man", as they choose to see it. Change doesn't happen on its own until the need for change is undeniable (look at Spain and Greece for example of change denied too long). On the other hand, a great leader can spark the change. Obama looked like that guy 4 years ago. I'm sceptical he can do it now, but I hope I'm wrong.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
I beg to differ. I know for a fact my 1905 & 1909 grandparents fell into that category. One having the reason of coming from a long line of Republicans going back to the party's founding. The other being a low-level executive for the Philadelphia Electric Company. I'd hardly call them plutocrats, though they did trend more towards the Lost in behavior and actions than GI often times, which is something I will concede on.
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?"
My blog: https://brianrushwriter.wordpress.com/
The Order Master (volume one of Refuge), a science fantasy. Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GZZWEAS
Smashwords link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/382903
"There have always been people who say: "The war will be over someday." I say there's no guarantee the war will ever be over. Naturally a brief intermission is conceivable. Maybe the war needs a breather, a war can even break its neck, so to speak. But the kings and emperors, not to mention the pope, will always come to its help in adversity. ON the whole, I'd say this war has very little to worry about, it'll live to a ripe old age."
You keep speaking as if we will all be going to go down the banana republic road with the left. I don't need much as far as change is concerned. I'm not in love with a male or a slave to free birth control. Have you ever been in a rich big types house or a WFQ's house? There's a major difference between the top end liberals and the low end liberals? Whose issue is that to address, Obama's or Romney's? BTW, there's a major difference between my house and Romney's as well but that isn't an issue between me and Romney.
Last edited by Classic-X'er; 09-28-2012 at 05:00 PM.
If one rejects laissez faire on account of mans fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.
- Ludwig von Mises
Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, the root of all evil.
- Lazarus Long
A better challenge would be to challenge your own ideas and question the authorities you have accepted. Learn more about how the world actually works, instead of how the conservative ideologues have painted it for you.
Still, it's fine to have other views represented and to keep we blue meanies on our toes. So, you are to be classic now instead of an exile. How does that change of handle describe your purpose here now?
Last edited by Eric the Green; 09-28-2012 at 05:26 PM.