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The game of predicting the election outcome is all well and good. I don't believe all polls are false, and I think Obama has a small lead. The polls do overstate support for Democrats, and the actual result is almost always more favorable to the Republican than the final polling. If Romney does well in the debates and makes a strong final push, he could win. But I want to talk right now about what will happen if Romney loses.
Previously I listed a few possibilities of what might happen over the next four years. But they are not all equally likely. If Obama wins, it is overwhelmingly likely, based on nothing but obvious logic and the experience of the last four years, that things will not get better in the next four, but will instead get worse. If the current policies we have been functioning under do not change (and they will not if Obama is re-elected), a host of chickens are going to come home to roost over the next four years.
1. The "fiscal cliff" is approaching early next year. If the current state of intractability on the part of Obama remains, we will go over it, almost certainly triggering another recession. Nothing constructive will be done about the national debt and the budget deficit. Nothing.
2. Obamacare will go into effect. The economic impact will be catastrophic to a limping economy.
3. We have just had "QE4" on the part of the Federal Reserve, a purely political move to juice the stock market and get Obama re-elected. Each time it is has had less of an effect, and each time the inevitable inflation it will produce gets more massive. Gas and food prices are not included in the official inflation rate. We all know that in spite of a deep economic downturn, those prices have continued to stay high, while people are less able to afford them.
4. There are things going on in the Middle East that threaten a combustion of some sort, and the Obama Administration has been ignoring it. "Leading from Behind" is the operative phrase. If something happens there, while it may not plunge the U.S. back into war, it will send the price of oil through the roof, which will trigger another recession, or make one that we are already in worse.
The left loves to sit around and talk about the disappearance of the Republican Party. It may in fact happen, because the failure of Romney will be the final failure of the party's establishment and leadership. They will have proven themselves to be completely incompetent fools. But recall what happened the last time a major party dissolved and was replaced. It was the Whigs, and the new party was a Republican Party that ended up dominating American politics for the next 72 years. The Democrats will not change. The Republicans are already in the process of changing, or being changed. Four years from now, with the country clearly in a depression and on the verge of total collapse, the people will no longer tolerate business as usual from either party, and something will have to give. Although I do not believe there will be widespread violence, there will be unrest. The Tea Party movement of the last few years will look like a minor blip in comparison (although it will obviously form the core of whatever the next step is).
If we were in a 3T, maybe Obama would wise up like Clinton did and the economy could have a chance of recovery. He has made it emphatically clear that he will not. He has admitted no mistakes, and has offered no new policies. Instead, he thinks that if he wins, the Republicans will suddenly go along with everything he wants, and everything will be fine. Good luck with that. If he is re-elected, it will not only prove that we are in a 4T, it will provide the seeds for the inevitable climax of the Crisis, which will not be civil war. It will be a collapse of federal authority. "Throw the bums out" will not be enough, something major will have to happen. And it won't be left wing, because the final disaster will have come under left wing leadership. There is a comparison to be made to the Weimar Republic. But the result will not be anything like Nazism. There will be no anti-semitism or wars of expansion. Those elements were unique to Germany in that period of time. I do fear that it could turn authoritarian. And it will be right wing, not left wing. But more hopefully, and more likely considering the ideology of the Tea Party movement, it will be a reiteration of the American Revolution, without bloodshed, where strict limits on federal power are re-imposed.
The other historic Republic obviously worth looking at is Rome. So much time and distance exists between then and now that I don't think a lot of direct comparisons can be made. But the trajectory from Republic to Empire to dissolution at the hands of barbarians is worth noting. The commonality is the global reach the U.S. has had, in terms of economics and culture. I don't think the country will cease to exist or shrink the way Rome did, because it has not expanded territorially the way Rome did. But the possibility of some kind of modern Dark Age is not remote. Given how much the country has already decayed from within since the 1960s, the pampered, frivolous mindset of recent decades will be replaced by dealing with basic questions of brutal reality.
The biggest problem with Boomers and with the left has always been that they take so many things for granted. They think you can keep hacking away at the roots, jack-hammering the foundations, and everything will still be fine just like it always has been (i.e. since Boomers were born, because no history exists before that). If we have four more years like the last, that illusion is going to be exposed, in very ugly ways.
I don't know that things will be significantly better if Romney wins. But at least there's a chance. If Obama wins, we already know what the next four years are going to be like. And if that doesn't produce rock bottom for those still living under illusions, I don't know what will.