Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Yeah, considering things like Romney's promise to drill, drill drill and strip strip strip; to pump as much CO2 into the air as fast as he possibly can, accelerating sea-level rise, weather disasters of all kinds, and stopping the Atlantic ocean current, just that alone makes a vote for Romney-Ryan a very destructive act. It is also a vote to explode the debt with more "magic pony" supply side economics, lowering the taxes on investment income and on everyone's taxes so much that no amount of loophole closings or drastic spending cuts to things we need like education, infrastructure, and research could possibly ever pay for it. And add to that Romney's enthusiasm for the neo-cons and a more unilateral, aggressive foreign policy, increasing the likelihood for war and more of our boys and other countries' boys getting slaughtered for oil and Israel, and yes, a vote for Romney-Ryan is pretty contrary indeed.
As significantly, Romney and Ryan promise a return to the very late-3T practices, only this time more intensely, that brought America to the brink of ruin. The effectiveness of our economic policies do not depend upon some "right people" getting all that they want irrespective of the harm to everyone else. As a reckless neophyte on foreign policy, Mitt Romney could easily bungle his way into a war for which America is ill-prepared. That's not to say that we should expect to fully avoid war this time... it is of course best that we face any great danger with our integrity intact.
And that's not all. Repeal of Obamacare would leave business as well as individuals open once again to the ravages of insurance companies and bankruptcy. Repeal of Dodd-Frank would allow the bankers once again to engage in even more of the conduct that ruined our economy. Repeal of regulations that ask companies to do what they ought to do anyway, would allow businessmen to pollute and injure people in our communities with impunity. Lower taxes on the wealthy and less government support for people to improve their living standards would cause inequality to rise again even more than it already has, as the wealthy amass even more wealth while prices rise and the income of average-income folks stays flat. This is the Republicans' record; and remember, no matter how many times Romney might waffle and dodge his own promises to his right-wing base, his right-wing base will control the congress with a Romney win. That means Romney will merely be their agent who will sign everything they send him, which is exactly why they nominated someone who bends to the winds of political power wherever they blow.
He would deepen the social stresses that America already has. He would impose more desperation that would weaken such unity as we have. America needs to congeal behind common purpose, and more conspicuous consumption for economic elites made possible by greater hardships by the rest of us won't be a satisfying objective. In view of regional divides that now exist Romney-Ryan is a non-solution. A 4T always poses consummate risk to everything.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters