the stock market is a leading indicator of about 6 -12 months ahead of the economy. The reason the market was on a free fall when Obama took office was because the market knew that the direction of the country was not going to be headed in the right direction under his leadership, or lack thereof. If I remember right the stock market dropped by the largest percentage the day after he was elected then any other president in history...what happened 6-9 months later? Unemployment shot up, even after after the president promised the nation it would not rise above 8% if we past his economic plan, his stimulus plan. What happened?
The reason companies are not hiring people like A. [my aunt] has less to do with her sex. it has to do with the uncertainty that the president has created with the passage of Obamacare, frank-Dodd, and spending like a drunken sailor on leave (Bush was no saint about his spending, but Obama makes him look like an almost saver). Further, their are very strict laws against discrimination of any kind, especially in CA, why would employer risk violating these by not hiring women? They just were not hiring anyone. Why, because of uncertainty about the rules. I will not start in on the unemployed that have given up or are underemployed...this number has doubled or tripled under the policies of the current president and some estimate that this number is in 20% range...
Regarding gas prices: if the oil companies could set gas prices then this would be collusion and that is against anti-trust laws. Gas is one of, if not the most competitive items out there. If one company could, they would lower the prices and make a killing, why don't they? Why can't Shell or Chevron lower their prices by a dollar and sell more gas then anyone else? because, they would loss money and then they would have lay off even more people, etc. this is Economics 101. High gas prices an issues, why not approve the Keystone pipeline or allow exploration domestically? Canada is now looking to sell its oil to China... That would not be good. Remind me who stopped this was not Bush...
Talk to any healthcare provider, cost have and will continue to rise because of Obamacare. Less people covered and more cost. Where is the affordability or the uninsured getting coverage? If you want to decrease health care costs the get the Attorneys out of the picture. 75% of what I paid to have a child earlier this year went to cover insurance premiums of my wife's OBGYN...Tort Reform is the first step to reduce cost, not a "buy insurance or else" mandate from big brother...
Did you know that if the Bush tax cuts expire the economy will fall into another recession? Both the chairman of the federal reserve and the CBO has said this under oath? Also, did you know that the lowest income earners among us will have at least a 5%, in some cases a 10% tax increase? Seniors who are living off of their saving will have their taxes triple because of the dividend tax rate? And this from someone who cares about the little guys...action speak very loud.
President Obama has no legs to stand on when talking about economy because his policies have stunted the growth of this nation, they hurt business, destroy confidence (I don't know who you talk to but no one I know is positive about the economy under the current administration), increase dependency on the government, put us in so much debt that it will take generations to pay it back, offends our closest friends, and tries to court our enemies. There has been change, but hope and prosperity has been stifled by the actions and policies of this administration as well as Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi. Actions speak louder than words and the actions we have seen over the past four years have been...well devastating for our country.