Bob Schiffer is too old to be moderating...can we get Candy back?....Ms. Crawley, if you are
Let round 3 COMMENCE! Vow of silence huh? What happens when someone yells "PENIS" or "THE GAME" really loud? National television ruined, epic troll lol.
POTUS: The 1980's called, and they want their foreign policy back...boom!
Mitt: We just can't kill folks....Mitt: We will kill anyone responsible...wait what?
So now Romney feels like he is being attacked? Wait what?
"giant douche" or a "turd sandwich?" #debate
The 80's called, they want their foreign policy back.
I am glad that Mitt is not in my class...he would get an F for plagiarism..regurgitating my President's and the moderator's answers is not a plan dude!
I was just thinking, didn't he just change his position during the debate.
POTUS: Gov. Romney doesn't have different ideas, because we are doing what we should be doing...boom!
Listening to the debate and pretending I care (mostly pretending that I haven't decided who I'm voting for) and playing zOMG.
There he goes with that 12 million jobs bs again...but government does not create jobs....stop already dude!
So the guy who outsourced to China, is going to hit up Latin America next...wait what?
The way Mittens keeps talking about strengthening our military...this is code for if I become President, we will have more wars...we see the smoke and mirrors dude!
"There you go again ..."
Mittens needs some of Paul Ryan's water right about
I have never seen a debate where the candidate tells you to look at their website...signs of the
Are you freaking kidding me? The Olympic bs again....really?
Mittens, please tell me more about how you worked for the Olympics.
Okay, now POTUS is giving him a technology/military lesson...boom!
POTUS: We visited the website quite a bit, and it still doesn't work...boom!
"Our military also has less horses and bayonets" Barack Obama 10/22/12 We should fix that...
Republican, Democrat, or can't say that POTUS is not whipping Mitt's ass on foreign is like a woman who has never given birth trying to coach a woman who has!
I love how he commented saying that we have aircraft carriers and submarines and that's why we have less ships. 1.) We've HAD them, they aren't new technology. 2.) THOSE ARE SHIPS
Obama has a point. No one has engaged in a direct naval battle with the united states since 1945 that I'm aware of. We don't need a massive fleet if no one else has ships capable of taking ours on in a direct fight.
They are bigger obviously, also Pearl harbor happened since 1916.
Mitt Romney sure loves his numbered lists.
They're' both saying the same thing and arguing about it... whats the point?
POTUS: When I went to Israel, I didn't take donors....boom!
Romney shut up!
Mitt Romney is not fit to lead this nation. Period. End of sentence.
Romney makes his weird out of the loop statements and obama--the smiling bobble head he is--blows more smoke and seems to be nodding along and saying how he has done the same thing as president.
Mitt stop calling off countries...this is a debate, not a geography class...ha!
Tis a shame that foreign policy bores a lot of people. This is an intense debate!
Romney legitimately scares me when he says he is going to cut all unnecessary programs
POTUS: Gov. Romney, You have been all over the map....I am glad you finally agree with us...boom!
This is kind of what the debates are like...just more appropriate. Except when Obama says "gangbangers".
Someone once said "I think therefore, I am." Now we say "Pre-emptive strikes, therefore we are." - Sonia Sanchez. Not taking a side, just reflecting that either way you look at it, it's a vastly different world now :/
Another moderator gets Mittens...Bob must have taken his Geritol
"Mr. President, America has not dictated other nations. We have freed other nations from dictators."
Yeah that is going to leave a bruise.
Streaming this debate!
Annnnnnnd despite just getting out of a tough midterm, I put on the debate. Sigh.
Can one moderator say "that's nice, but can one of you actually answer the fucking question?!?"
This is a travesty. Not one question about the EU, Western Hemisphere trade agreements, the UN, climate change....I'm honestly boggled.
If Tagg Romney wanted to punch POTUS after the second debate...well, Secret Service bring your A game
Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden.
POTUS: Gov. Romney is familiar with jobs going overseas, because he invested in companies, which sent jobs overseas....boom!
POTUS: Let's check the record...boom!
I thought George Bush Jr was stupid...then I met Mittens and Sara
How's debate moderator Bob Schieffer doing tonight?
Man, who cares about China and Iran? Tonight, I'm only paying attention to two cities and they're both relatively closer: San Francisco and Chicago.
"I think we all love teachers..."
And now its time to hear the ALL pundits talk about a show other then the one we just watched.
To prove how out of touch Mittens is...there isn't any such thing as food stamps is an EBT card. Of course, when you trade stock when you fall on hard times, you don't tend to know the little
Really want to know what the Romney grandchildren and Obama are talking about.
If you put... in China... after any of Mitt Romney's closing statements, it actually begins to make sense!?
Sure quote politics now, I've been tackling political topics all day, and every moment of my time on FB since 2007 when I joined! That's right you'll go right back to not caring and being oblivious to the world around you. Just wait until after January you won't care anymore.
I think the Romney grandchildren decided after tonight they're voting for Obama.
Just remember, it's hard to make a positive stand on a record of the past four years when you've done... well, not much of anything. except tell navy seals to get osama bin laden.
You need an Etch-A-Sketch to follow this campaign ... (Is it the second Wednesday in November yet?)