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There is one thing that is clear at this point: if Obama wins re-election, he will be the first president in history (without a third party candidate) to do so with a smaller share of the popular vote and a smaller share of the electoral college than his first victory.
Strictly speaking, it can happen.
1932 Franklin Roosevelt John Garner Democratic 22,821,277 57.41% 472 88.9%
Herbert Hoover Charles Curtis Republican 15,761,254 39.65% 59 11.1%
1940 Franklin Roosevelt Henry Wallace Democratic 27,313,945 54.74% 449 84.6%
Wendell Willkie Charles McNary Republican 22,347,744 44.78% 82 15.4%
And if he wins 270 or more electoral votes, he still wins re-election. What you said about President Obama having no chance to win with fewer electoral votes and a smaller percentage of the popular vote is like saying that should the Texas Rangers make the World Series next year they have no chance of winning because no Texas baseball team has ever won the World Series. Note that something is very different from 2008, namely the Citizens United ruling that allows plutocrats to throw huge amounts of money into political campaigns, often through front groups responsible to none but those who supply the funds. Note well that the Citizens United ruling made possible the Tea Party Congress which better serves lobbyists than constituents.
Government representing economic interests instead of the people is fascism. Government by lobbyist, the dream of a couple million plutocrats, executives, and big landowners, is a new form of dictatorship -- one that will $crew you badly unless you are one of them. If you resist it you could end up in jail at best, in the morgue, or even worse -- a torture chamber. That is how fascism works -- the little man licks the boot, and is expected to praise the person whose boot he had just licked for not kicking him in the teeth.
This is a 4T, and strange things can happen in a 4T. President Obama could lose a significant chunk of votes from 2008 and still win.
Despite a plurality in "mainstream media" snap polls after the debate saying Obama "won", nobody said it changed their vote. All of the polls have been moving in Romney's direction. The momentum is on his side, the enthusiasm is on his side, and undecideds historically break for the challenger. Throughout this election year, the polls that have been most favorable to Obama have had one thing in common: they all show Obama winning by increasing Democrat ID and turnout, enough to win the election despite losing independents to Romney by a wide margin. That has no basis in reality. The idea that the Democrats have seen an increase in popularity over the last four years, and that they will turn out at a higher rate this year than they did in 2008, is absurd. Almost all of the increase in independent ID over the last four years has come from people who formerly called themselves Democrats.
The undecided did break for the challenger in 1972 - because Nixon was at the historical ceiling for popular vote and it is abundantly clear that most of the undecided were Democrats. The undecided on the opposite side of the political spectrum from the eventual winner should reasonably go to the loser. In 1976 they went for Gerald Ford, which reflects that Carter came close to losing what first seemed a sure thing. Ford campaigned incompetently until too late. 1980? I will give you that one, although the hostage situation in Iran probably had more to do with the failure of Jimmy carter to get re-elected than your 'natural law'. 1984? See 1972. That time the undecided were liberals and Democrats while Reagan was at or near the historical ceiling for popular votes. 1988? If you interpret George H W Bush as the successor and Mike Dukakis as the challenger, then Dukakis collapsed, probably refuting the idea that the undecided break toward the challenger. 1992 and 1996 involved a Third Party or Independent candidate, so talking about those years is muck. 2000? The division was right town the middle, and so far as I can tell Gore and G W Disaster split the undivided down the middle.
That said, you can't totally ignore the polls, and I stand by the same thing I've been saying for months. If Obama wins, it will be by a 2000-like margin. If Romney wins, it could be by as much as 5 points. And that's how it's shaping up. With the economy in the toilet after four years, and Obama's two main "accomplishments" (stimulus and Obamacare) being massively unpopular, the latter is much more likely than the former. Gallup and Rasmussen (boo, hiss)* have Romney ahead by 5 and 4 points today, respectively.
One can pick and choose polls to fit any prediction between a bare Obama win and a bare Romney win. Maybe you know nothing about the differences in methodology; maybe you don't realize that some of the polls are bought by special interests, and the ones that go a certain way have been appearing much more.
If I were younger and I saw the direction in which America is going in the event of a Hard Right win, I would contemplate emigration. Democracy can die after 200 years when an ideology that perfectly fits the culture of a country but requires dictatorial or oligarchic government meets hard times. I have met people who left a countries (Argentina, Chile) where democracy died because of a right-wing takeover and the story is much as it was in Cuba. People found that if they were working for a comparatively benign part of the government they had to become enforcers for the ruling elite. Schoolteachers who had praised Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR, and Bolivar were compelled to praise the military dictatorship as the ideal and not simply as a temporary and unavoidable nuisance. Police were told to beat up people who showed the 'wrong' sort of art or the 'wrong' sort of music because such were expressions of Marxist tendencies. Playing folk music instead of snappy marches could be tantamount to Orwellian 'crimethink' and similarly punished.
If as after the two elections of our worst President (Dubya) I play the Requiem Mass of Giuseppe Verdi after the election of Mitt Romney am I a traitor when I could instead of upbeat, patriotic tunes am I a traitor?
Something that you need to know -- under a dictatorial regime it is not enough to be a democrat on the same side of the political spectrum of the regime. Social democrats might fall for the promises of Commies only to complain when the Commies break their promises, and when the Commies break their promises the social democrats complain -- and get carted off to the local Gulag.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters