Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Some responses to some earlier posts:
That's what I'm talkin' about!
Exactly. But why would Grey reply by quoting my favorite song (Won't Get Fooled Again)?
Why does consensus opinion on this site say we are in a mega-unravelling? Why sell ourselves short?
There is no need to do that. We do have the ability to make this a mega-awakening, or as I would call it, a golden age. We just haven't exercized our ability to do so. But we still CAN; that's the point. We have shown some tendencies in that direction; true, mainly in the last Awakening. But those movements are still around, and new ones have come along too. It is not "ego" as Grey claims to know what our potential is. We have every reason to say we are in a phase of history in which we can create a new world. This year in fact is "the end of the world as we know it."
Cycles of different kinds are similar. But the cycle of civilization is not the same as Strauss and Howe's saeculum, as I pointed out; so calling the phases of the cycle of civilization after the phases of the saeculum is not going to work exactly. But clearly a "mega-unravelling" implies the start of decay. We are not there yet by a long shot. Our cycle of civilization is just over 100 years old, and it lasts 493 years.
I understand that the United States itself is over 200 years old. Let's see now, time goes by so fast these days; that's up to 236 years now; almost half a cycle. So by that measure, the second half should be about to begin.
But I don't look at American history that way. I see it as embedded in Western European and British history. So did the authors of T4T, by beginning the account of our history with English saecula. And they start it where I start the previous cycle of civilization, with the Wars of the Roses that brought forward the Tudor Dynasty. In turn, it was that Dynasty that brought forth Queen Elizabeth, under whose leadership Britannia came to rule the waves. That allowed them soon afterward to begin the colonies in America, which became the United States. As told in my grade-school history class, American history begins with the Renaissance. It was a movement to explore and understand the world and to dominate it, and it led to modern science. The explorers who needed navigation knowledge furthered science's development, which in turn helped the explorers to conquer the world over the following 500-year cycle. It sent Columbus out to discover the New World, and so we name our capital district after him and celebrate his birthday. American history is Western European history since the Renaissance.
That was the previous cycle of civilization. Many great civilizations last 1000 years, and have two halves; consisting of two cycles of civilization. That was true of Rome, for example. The mid-point was the change from Republic to Empire in the age of the caesars. Our mid-point is the 1890s. Without any doubt, the world we live in today was born in that period, from the late 1880s through World War One. That was the start of the progressive era, when our 2 parties became what they are today. That was when more inventions changed the world than in any other time, and when science overturned its old paradigms held for hundreds of years. That was when renaissance art styles ended and the modern ones began. It was when the arms race in Europe started that resulted in World War One, which destroyed Europe's dominance in the world, and when imperialist wars signaled the rise of non-European powers. The most important one of those was the United States, but also included China and Japan. The previous cycle of civilization was the expansion of Western Civilization; in our cycle this ended in the Holocaust, and began an increasingly-democratic world culture guided by the UN. This was the great death and rebirth of recent times. In all ways, the 1890s was the beginning of the current cycle of civilization.
Therefore, we must conclude we are in the phase of the golden age. Golden ages have come about 100 years following the start of every civilization cycle for 5000 years, everywhere on Earth. The only question is, what will we do to realize and act accordingly? Not be cynical by saying we are in a mega-unravelling, for a start!