Originally Posted by
HopefulCynic68 was doing well when he

Originally Posted by
in response to Kiff '61, who
I have to ask, HC, why in the world you would sit through something like that, especially if you found it so personally nauseating.
Why not just change the channel?
didn't sit through all of it, Kiff. I caught as much of it as I could stomach, and that was enough. Today, everything I've read, heard, and seen in rerun matches what I was seeing last night.
FWIW, I was pretty nauseated too, and I'm much more likely to agree with both Wellstone and Mondate than HC. It was tasteless and stupid.

Originally Posted by
... then he returned to partisan form when he
... I do sometimes pay attention to things like that, though, because I know from past experience that part of the way people like Clinton and Clinton and their associates (McAuliffe comes to mind) get away with the stuff they do is that people turn away and tune out.
This was tacky poitics, but it was local tacky politics. I doubt either McAuliffe or Clinton had even a small hand in the affair.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.