One weekend's worth of bashing from a supposed libertarian, who goes by the name of "Stonewall Patton":
"HC, you Bush Republicans really need to find hobbies."
"You Bush Republicans are becoming nearly as despicable as the Bush crowd which you willfully support."
"Yes, and your and all these other Bush Kool-Aid drinkers' despicable arrogance in presuming to dictate how others conduct their memorial service reveals far more about the depths of depravity to which you have willingly sunk by handing over your souls in supporting this Machiavellian human garbage in the White House."
"You people are sick."
"You people are absolutely despicable."
"Why don't you people find a hobby and keep your noses out of other people's drawers? Gross."
"Absolutely despicable, HC. Get a hobby and mind your own business."
"No, your audacity in going out of your way to traumatize a family in their moment of grief is what is pathetic and twisted. Get a life."
"get your nose out of other people's underwear. It is absolutely disgusting."
"And you are going to keep milking it like the despicable partisan Bush Kool-Aid drinker which you have always tried strenuously not to protray yourself as."
"Get it? Now get a life and quit dancing on dead men's coffins like a Bush Kool-Aid drinker."
"Have you always been a Bushbot or was it only triggered by this grieving family's memorial service? Seriously."
"If you are a Bushbot, then it is impossible to have an intelligent discussion with you".
"So are you going to continue to insult my intelligence by insisting that the Office of Homeland Security".
"So based on the timing, you, following the Flatulent Fraud's lead, wish to politicize this tragedy with "equal time" arguments! That is sick. Just let it go."
"Ignore the Flatulent Fraud and let it go."
"I don't get angry at anybody anymore, HC."
"There is no hatred, HC."

Originally Posted by
As for the increasingly uncivil and abusive character of your [Stonewall's] postings, that's your business, and your problem. All I will add is that your anger is your right, but the constant and growing flow of personal insults in your postings weakens the thrust of your arguments, which I find relevant and sometimes sound. But the more your postings trend toward the personal insults (Kool Aid drinker, etc), the more likely others are to skip even bothering to read them.