Add the "Raging Oughts" to the "Phony Fourth" to describe the last phase of the our current third turning.
Steve Barrera in the 12/21/04 entry of his blog asks, answers, and analyzes . . .

Originally Posted by
Steve Barrera
Question: When does a massive terror attack on a country fail to ignite a new social mood of perceived vulnerability and urgent need for action? Answer: When the generations in that society aren?t yet ready to cross into a new era.
It is just amazing to me, after all this country has been through in the past three years, that the electoral map from the 2004 presidential election looks just like the map from the 2000 election. For all that has changed in this country ? new skylines, new wars, new laws, new agencies ? we just haven?t become a nation united with a common goal, in a profoundly tranformative new age.
Instead, we?ve become a polarized society of angry patriots and resentful intellectuals ? of conservative Christians battling against a morals revolution, and despairing progressives aghast at the idiocy of middle America. We?ve been through this before ? in the 1920s ? and I believe that the 2000s will be a repeat of that thrilling decade, but perhaps a bit uglier because of the pall cast by the War on Terror.
He goes on to compare our reaction to 9/11 and the Bush Doctrine to World War One and compares the Terror Scare to the post-WWI Red Scare. I have made the same comparison, saying the Phony Fourth greatly resembles 1917-1920, except this time the analog is happening much later in the turning. His comparisons to the cultural battles of the 1920's are also very interesting.
I think Steve has come up with a good designation for the decade. Since it starts with E2K is covers more than the "Phony Fourth", but the same general ideas apply.
I am not sure that he believes it's likely that a full-on 3T mood will last to the end of the decade, but I doubt he does. I certainly don't think so. I think we are due for the actually trigger and subsequent cascade phase any time now. I'll be very, very surprised if it is not blatantly obvious that we are cascading by 2008.
Lastly, allow me to note that Steve was convinced we were 4T less than a year ago.
PS. I don't know if Steve intended this, but besides "ought" being an old designation for zero (ie., the "Oh-Oh's") it also can come across as "ought" as in "ought to be" signifying the exaccerbated Culture Wars aspect occuring at the end of this 3T. I found that satisfying.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.