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Originally Posted by
Peter Gibbons

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i don't worry much about transposons. or their cousins, endogenous retroviruses. or retrotransposons. well, not much anyway.
they are what make evolution possible at the level of the whole organism or species level, because they can infect the germline on rare occasions and jump into the promoters of master genes that control developmental controls and body plan, such as the hox family and so on...
This meme has been furiously debated among evolutionary biologists, and most of them have abandoned it. Selection does not occur at the level of the organism or the species; even Dawkins and Gould agreed on this. Gould, more or less, preferred the population as the crucial level of selection, while Dawkins prefers the gene, or at least genetic kin.
Transposons are not to be taken lightly, as
Joseph Shapiro makes clear.
Mr. E,
I read the Shapiro article. It sounded like a roundabout support of Lamarck. Please advise.
Shapiro is the first credible one I've read that supports a form of Lamarckism -- cell-directed evolution:
Evidence from a variety of systems indicates that transposable elements [genes]
can interact in a molecularly plausible way with signal transduction networks, the key information processing entities in the cell.
Forget the Central Dogma; this trumps it, according to Shapiro. If he can show mechanisms, which he seems to do quite effectively, then I have to rethink my hard position of strict neo-Darwinism. Maybe even the door opens wider for ORP affectionados.
I might also add that Shapiro has not yet garnered the favor of most neo-Darwinians. I guess the jury is still out on this issue.
Well at any rate, it seems Shapiro's transposons are more well-founded than Sheldrake's morphic fields. :wink:
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.