Dear Leados,

Originally Posted by
> You never mentioned how to avoid these things from being killed
> with EMPs? I suppose you could shield them or something, but that
> would be difficult to do well. If you can make it, you can unmake
> it.
Back in the 1980s, I was consulting for Northrop Corporation
building, among other things, early versions of smart bombs. Some of
the projects we worked on had to be "nuclear hardened," which meant
that they had to survive things like electromagnetic pulses. This
was accomplished by using special parts and special shielding.
I'm sure you can think of all sorts of technical reasons why
intelligent robots might be vulnerable to attack in various ways, and
maybe I can even come up with some responses, but to have that kind
of discussion misses the point in a couple of ways.
First, we're talking about technology that will be deployed several
decades from now, so no matter what you and I think of today, it will
probably be irrelevant in the time frame we're discussing.
Second, and most important, what we're talking about here is
intelligent computers that will be more intelligent than humans.
That means that no matter how clever you are at thinking up problems,
and no matter how clever I am at thinking up solutions, you and I are
going to be really dumb compared to the computers themselves. They
will be able to decide how to attack their enemy counterparts, and
how to protect themselves from enemy attack, and they won't even
bother to ask humans because humans will be too stupid to be of help.
And the difference in intelligence between computers and humans will
only increase exponentially as time goes on.