Dear Richard,
"The most important questions of life are, for the most part,
really only problems of probability.--Pierre Simon Laplace
I spent several years as a Ph.D. math major at MIT. I never
completed my Ph.D. thesis, but even so, I know more about mathematics
than a Harvard astrophysicist, an EXXON engineer, and a Cornell
physicist, and probably more than a Polaroid mathematician. And I'm
telling you that probablity and statistics are important and valid
branches of mathematics.
Many books have been written on the subject, "How to lie with
statistics." I myself have criticized such stuff on my web site.
But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with statistics. I've
seen people lie with calculus too, but that doesn't mean that
calculus isn't a branch of mathematics.
If you want to find out something about probability and statistics as
branches of mathematics, a good place to start is to google the
phrase "probability space." Probability spaces are the fundamental
mathematical constructs that lead to the theory of probability. I
just did that and was led to the site . That's where I got
the quote above from Laplace.
That site also provided the following biography of Laplace:
"Laplace, Pierre Simon (1749-1827)
Pierre Simon Laplace was born in Normandy, France in 1749, and was
educated at the military school in Beaumont.
Laplace's greatest scientific contribution was the application of
Newton's universal law of gravitation to the motion of the planets.
He also developed an early cosmological theory of the origin of the
solar system. Laplace wrote
Triaté de Céleste Méchanique
Treatise on Celestial Mechanics), published in five volumes
from 1799 to 1825, and
Exposition de Systeme de Monde
Explanation of the World System) in 1796.
Laplace contributed greatly to the early mathematical theory of
probability. He wrote
Theorie Analytique des Probabilites,
Analytical Theory of Probability) in 1812 and
Philosophical Essay on Probabilities in 1814. One of his
contributions was an improvement on the normal approximation to the
binomial distribution, that had been derived by Abraham