Originally Posted by
Arkham '80
I disagree, somewhat. The World Wars and Cold War were, in my estimation, contemporary (in the Spenglerian sense of the word) with the Punic Wars of Classical history. The Kennedy brothers compare with the Gracchi, Nixon with Sulla, Bush II with Pompey (substitute the "war on terror" for the campaigns against the Cilician pirates). The Western Caeser is due to arrive sometime during the next Crisis. If history rhymes -- as it tends to do -- he will complete the transition of the United States from republic to empire and then pass abruptly from the scene, leaving his heirs to solidify the new imperial system and inaugurate a resurgence of American global power. I expect that a truly universal Western empire will emerge during the Crisis of 2100 (comparable to the emergence of the Pax Romana during the first century AD), that it will peak about a century later, and then will begin to decline steadily, terminating with the crackup of the first planetary government sometime in the 26th century.
I'm not even ready to go that far. If history really rhymes, we don't have near enough involvement with the 'provinces' to fully transfer to an Empire yet. The 'let's leave the world alone' sentiment is still too strong in America to go fully Imperial. I expect the "universal empire" -- actually a hybrid of federation and empire -- in the Crisis of 2180, not 2100, although the outlines of it and the trajectory toward it will be clear by the 2100 crisis. I agree about the Golden Age of the Terran Federation being the twenty-second through twenty-sixth centuries. By that time the playing field should include most of the solar system if not more.
'81, 30/70 X/Millie, trying to live in both Red and Blue America... "Catfish 'n Cod"