Originally Posted by
Tim Walker '56
Charles Kupchan presented a civilizational theory at the end of his book in a chapter entitled "The Rebirth of History." To summarize, as a society changes its way of making a living its organization and source of communal identity change with it. As it does so old institutions become de-ligitamized.#1 Nomadic. Hunter-gatherers. Approximate time-prior to 8000 BC. Organized as bands. Communal identity-animism.#2 Early agriculture. Hunting-gathering plus the beginnings of agriculture. Approximate time 8000-3000 BC. Organization-tribe, chiefdom. Communal identity-nature worship.#3 Agriculture. Approximate time 3000 BC-1700 AD. Organization in the form of kingdoms, coercive state. Communal identity-organized religion.#4 Industrial Capitalism. Approximate time 1700-2000 AD. Organization in the form of republics. Communal identity-nationalism. #5 Digital Capitalism. 2000? Organization? Communal identity?