I found it very good as well, although some of his turnings are plain wrong. France in no way went through a Fourth turning during the 1950's and 1960's. May 1968 was an awakening event for France, indeed for the whole of Europe,even places like Greece were affected by start of the awakening in 1967/8.Originally Posted by Stanley Alston '61
I am wondering Stanley, have you compared Britain's saeculum and generations with those in the rest of Western Europe. I have a feeling based on history that Western Europe has shared the same saeculum (with small variations) since the Reformation (which affected everywhere from Spain to Sweden, from Britain to Lithuania).
There have been a lot of awakenings and crisis?s, which have affected the whole of Western Europe. Like for example the wars of religion, the enlightenment, French revolution, wars of unification and World War 2.
I know a little bit about Britain at the present era, I think the Millennial in Britain do not begin there until 1985 or 1986, which would put in line with other European nations. Strauss and Howe cited opinion polling of late 70's and early 80's cohorts in Britain around 2000/01 that showed that they were strongly Nomad in their outlook on the world and their lives. They cited it in the Millennials Rising book.Anyway, hi guys, for those who'll remember me.
I'm going to leave you guys with a couple of things. For those of you who might recall an old promise, I was going to see if I could find the generational set up for the English/British. For the most part I think I have, and here is it:
English Puritan (Prophet) - 1588-1617
English Cavaliers (Nomad) - 1618-1650
English Glorious (Hero) - 1651-1676
Hanoverians (Artist) - 1677-1701
Evangelicals (Prophet) - 1702-1727
Radicals (Nomad) - 1728-1754
Britons (Hero) - 1755-1780
Romantics (Artist) - 1781-1800
Victorians (Prophet) - 1801-1824
Imperials (Nomad/Hero) - 1825-1852
Edwardians (Artist) - 1853-1869
Ecumenicals (Prophet) - 1870-1886
Contemptibles (Nomad) - 1887-1905
Fews (Hero) - 1906-1926
Blitzs (Artist) - 1927-1943
Mods (Prophet) - 1944-1962
Hooligans (Nomad) - 1963-1981
Millenials (Hero) - 1982-????
New Artists (Artists) - ????-????
For anyone asking why I don't know where the present British Millenials end and the present New Artists start, it's very simple, I just do not know what is going on in Britain at the present time.
The current Unravelling in Britain started around Thatchers re-election in 1987. Nick Beeching an ocassional British poster on the group. Feels that the awakening in Britain started most likely in 1967.
Anyway throughout Europe (Britain included), I have observed that the last High started around 1950 and the last awakening started no later than 1968. That means that Europe and Britain are currently 3-4 years behind the United States. I also get the same kind of observations in Australia as well (which has had in all likelyhood had a strong saeculum link with Britain, until the 20th century).
The Imperial High does seem a little short at 16 years, if you are willing to cite good evidence for the Imperial High starting in 1874, instead of couple of years earlier, I am willing to agree with you.Now, no. 2. the era and turnings, and how each generation fit inside each turning. Be warn, it's a long one.:
Imperial High - 1874-1890
Ecumenical generation, nice name. When did you get the name from Stanley.
The same dates I have observed for the awakening occuring in Australia and mostly likely in Western Europe. Others on this group have observed that the German Missionary awakening ran from 1890-1910.Ecumenical Awakening - 1890-1910
Imperials entering elderhood
Edwardians entering midlife
Ecumenicals entering young adulthood
Contemptibles entering childhood
That more of less fits in with my observations of when the last unravelling occured in Australia and the Weimar Unravelling in Germany.Great War Unraveling - 1910-1931
In both Germany and Australia the Great Depression and WW2 Crisis was started by the Wall Street Crash, maybe something else triggered off that Crisis in Britain.World War Crisis - 1931-1947
The Crisis in Australia anyway did not end until late 1949 when the Prophet Generation's crusading (Like them Prime Minister Ben Chifley's campaign to nationalise the banks) was finally put a stop to and rationing on items like petrol ended.
From the reading I get from British history the WW2 Crisis ended around 1949, when the Labour party government under Atlee narrowly survived defeat. I think that was when the Ecumenical generation's crusading was put finally to a stop by the younger generations.
Really good work Stanley,This is what I'd gotten after I would say over 5 years of research. I'm still doing research and some changes might need to be made, and I have a feeling Dr. Kaiser's article will help a lot either to keep things the way they are or make little changes.Anyway, hope you folks will enjoy.
Thank you very much for this posting.