Stanley '61 wrote (a long time ago):
I have been reading David Kaiser's essay called
Neither Marxist nor Whig: The Great Atlantic Crises, 1774-1962 It talks a lot about Europe's turnings since the American revoultion and how it has affected European politics. I agree with him on a lot of points and disagree on others, however it is a must read.
I have read part of the article and I find it interesting that David have
agreed with some of the information that I use to post here in the past.
Although I don't know if I be prepared to call William Pitt's the elder's
prophet generation Augustans like their American counterparts yet, but
I would be willing if convinced.
Anyway, hi guys, for those who'll remember me.
I'm going to leave you guys with a couple of things. For those of you who might recall an old promise, I was going to see if I could find the generational set up for the English/British. For the most part I think I have, and here is it:
English Puritan (Prophet) - 1588-1617
English Cavaliers (Nomad) - 1618-1650
English Glorious (Hero) - 1651-1676
Hanoverians (Artist) - 1677-1701
Evangelicals (Prophet) - 1702-1727
Radicals (Nomad) - 1728-1754
Britons (Hero) - 1755-1780
Romantics (Artist) - 1781-1800
Victorians (Prophet) - 1801-1824
Imperials (Nomad/Hero) - 1825-1852
Edwardians (Artist) - 1853-1869
Ecumenicals (Prophet) - 1870-1886
Contemptibles (Nomad) - 1887-1905
Fews (Hero) - 1906-1926
Blitzs (Artist) - 1927-1943
Mods (Prophet) - 1944-1962
Hooligans (Nomad) - 1963-1981
Millenials (Hero) - 1982-????
New Artists (Artists) - ????-????