Re: Causes

Originally Posted by
Mike Alexander '59
I don't know what caused the shift to 18 years and the sudden emergence of the 18-year panic cycle in 1819. I believe that the mechanism for the cycle today is something like the archetype model S&H proposed with changing parenting styles that you use. I also believe that the onset of democratic government in the US and UK in the late 18th century/early 19th centuries was involved in precipitating the 33% reduction in basal turning length. I think your model is something I want to explore further, but I don't think it is really applicable to Roman turnings, which I would expect to follow the population cycle. But it might be key to the transition to the 18-year cycle which is NOT based on any exogenous factor, but seems to arise from pyschological interactions.
I had it in my head that you thought the 26 year to 18 year turning compaction occurred because of a switch from an underlying Malthusian cycle to one based on a debt cycle.
I am confused. Help.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.