Originally Posted by
Prisoner 81591518
Here's a relatively optimistic scenario (for me, at least) which I have posited on another thread for the course and outcome of this 4T, where America is concerned:
Suppose history does repeat itself to some degree, in that the next 4T bears at least some resemblance to the 3rd Century Crisis in the Roman Empire? How might that go?
Well, first we would have to go with the scenario that many Bush-haters here are predicting for the next four years - that Bush plunges us into another depression, even worse than that of the 1930s. At the same time, our enemies grow bolder with their attacks on us while our few remaining friends begin to desert us. This leads to the massive Democrat sweeps in 2006 and 2008 which so many here so fervently hope for.
Unfortunately, the new President proves to be no more capable of dealing with the economic mess, which continues to worsen. What he or she does do is to bring all US forces home, and propose their (at least partial) demobilization. This, however, does not regain any favor for us overseas. Rather, it simply turns the universal hatred of America into contempt, while the attacks against our homeland become even bolder and more damaging than ever before. Those few countries who had stuck by us during Bush's second term now turn against us, as war spreads across the Eastern Hemisphere like a plague, with nukes employed in many cases. Meanwhile, a Republican minority in both houses of Congress continuously employs the same obstructionist tactics that many expected from the Congressional Democrats for the remainder of Bush's term, and upheaval spreads across the land. The country is now staring it's seemingly inevitable destruction in the face.
At this point, as far as a critical number of Americans are concerned, both parties have been equally discredited, and many believe that the same sad fate has befallen democracy itself. Thus, when a military coup occurs sometime between 2010 and 2012, while the act is entirely illegal, even treasonous, the resistance to it proves to be far less than would have been anticipated only a few months before it actually happens. This leads to a swift series of revolving door 'Generalissimos'. The (last-wave Boomer) Generalissimo who finally takes charge of the country a couple of years later proves to be the GC so long hoped for, and the Regeneracy finally begins. As he or she takes hold of things, the downward spiral finally slows, and then begins to reverse itself. The American economy staggers back onto it's feet, as the country turns inward, to heal it's wounds of the previous decade. The social cost, in terms of personal freedom, proves to be quite high, but after years of ever-increasing suffering, the American people find themselves surprisingly willing to pay it. Even as the country becomes increasingly authoritarian, the military is also reformed, top to bottom, for homeland and hemispheric defense. (There is no longer any interest in events beyond the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, except insofar as they endanger the Western Hemisphere.) As this is done, the attacks on American soil become fewer, less bold, and less damaging, until they become a rare occurrence. The contempt is turning once more into fear, though the hatred remains.
The Climax occurs in the late teens and early 20s, as a regenerated but now authoritarian America reasserts it's hegemony over the Western Hemisphere in a series of wars. As China begins to see that we have no further interest in stopping them from dominating East Asia and the Western Pacific in the same way, they turn their full attention to that task, leaving us to turn our full attention to our self-imposed task. As Russia by this time has become a Chinese client state, Japan, India and the Middle East a nuclear wasteland, and Europe is far gone in decline, China has no other credible opponent to deal with. The attitude in both governments is something like "One day there will have to be a final reckoning between us, but why rush it?"
Sometime around 2025, the task is completed, by both China and America. (In that order of strength, the two superpowers.) The 'GC' Generalissimo dies now, of old age and exhaustion, having chosen his or her (GenX) successor. The motto of the 1T that now begins is 'America Restored', as said successor moves to calm the stormy waters. His or her counterpart in China is doing the same thing, as both leaders realize that their countries, and indeed the world, are weary of war and tumult, and heartily wish for something better. Besides, both countries, and both leaders, realize how close run a thing it has been. Domestically, the iron hand begins to relax it's grip, sensing that the need for a tight grip is no longer what it had been. Still, everyone from the Generalissimo on down is all too well aware that things will never truly be the same again.
BTW, for those who fear (or would welcome) a fundamentalist theocracy in America, I suspect that such a military GC would apply a more even-handed policy towards the religions of the country than that.