Subject: Derivatives Strike Again!
Have you been following the saga of John M. Rusnak? He's a currency trader at Allfirst Financial. In the last year or so he bet heavily on the yen thinking it was going to appreciate against the dollar. Of course this was a poor bet. The Japanese are printing yen like crazy in a vain attempt to head off a depression. To cover his yen loses he sold in-the-money options to the banks. Too late the banks discovered Rusnak doesn't have the money to cover his options positions. $750 million is "pooft".
Which illustrates the point I keep trying to make. Derivatives don't eliminate risk, they only SHIFT risk. If the risk is shifted to somebody who can't hold up his end of the bet this new form of "portfolio insurance" is WORTHLESS (remember the Panic of '87).
Total Aggregate Debt for the United States is now $29 Trillion backed up by at least $100 Trillion in derivatives positions which cannot possibly be paid off in a crash. There are more Enrons, Global Crossings and Kmarts coming (yes stodgy old Kmart was involved in derivatives). Only time will tell how it will all end.