24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

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24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by John »

24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade and replaces Iran as Hamas's benefactor

MSNBC's Chris Matthews spreads filth after Monday's debate

** 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade and replaces Iran as Hamas's benefactor
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 24#e121024

Qatar's emir visits Gaza as guest of jubilant Hamas
Sheik Hamad ostentatiously snubs West Bank (Fatah) Palestinians
Qatar's sponsorship of Hamas effectively ends the Gaza blockade
MSNBC's Chris Matthews spreads filth after Monday's debate

Generational Dynamics, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani,
Qatar, Hamas, Khaled Meshal, Gaza, Fatah,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Egypt, Rafah, Iran,
MSNBC, Chris Matthews

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Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by shoshin »

wow, John, I can't figure if you are really clueless, or you've just spent too much time among the Breitbartians...Chris Matthews is right on target...

see this:
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article ... bock_Texas

or this:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/1 ... 63583.html

(Of course, these are just "liberal plants" designed to make good, god-fearing conservatives look bad -Bad Liberals!)

John, I grew up in the South, and this is where, when the band plays "Dixie" everyone stands with his hand over his heart (and no, it's not meant ironically)...

And every time someone says Obama is "not a true American" or "doesn't have American values" or says, "I'm not sure where he was born", it's a dog whistle which you apparently can't hear.

Look, I am very disappointed in Obama, and I will vote for Gary Johnson (since I live in Massachusetts, my vote is irrelevant), but if you think Chris Matthews is wrong, at least about a small, vocal, nasty minority of Republicans, then you are not paying attention.


Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by SouthernGentleman »

Yes being a southerner I too see and hear the same racist remarks everyday from ultra right wingers. In the south there are a very few moderate republicans and even fewer that could ever align to the center of politics.

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Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by OLD1953 »

I myself believe this election is more about being against the other candidate than for the one you'll vote for, but I'd be as reluctant to ascribe racism as a primary reason for voting against Obama as I would to ascribe class envy as the primary reason for voting against Romney. Certainly there are socialists voting against Romney and certainly there are racists voting against Obama, but they aren't the majority on either side. There is a lot of hate directed against the idea of Democrats from Republicans and against the idea of Republicans from Democrats. The two items guaranteed to send certain people off on a rant is how much they hate the other party, or how much they hate Baby Boomers, and once they get started, it's hard to turn them off - speaking from personal experience. Most people are willing to forgive human foibles on the part of "their" politicians but remember them forever on the part of the "other". GenX forgives everything for GenXers but are horrified by the tiniest slip on the part of a Boomer. It's all connected.

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Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by John »

After 20 years of watching self-righteous liberals conduct the most
vile, hateful, racist campaign against Supreme Court Justice Clarence
Thomas, I'm very well aware of how racist some groups of people are,
and how these self-righteous people believe that their racism is
perfectly fine and ok and wonderful, while others' racism is not.

That doesn't excuse the filth of a major news commentator accusing
anyone opposing his candidate of racism.

However, let's not pretend that spreading filth is anything but a
political tactic. Australia's president Julia Gillard, who is
President Obama's soul-mate, got a big spike in her approval rating
lately by accusing anyone of disagreeing with her of misogyny.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oc ... yny-speech

When you're completely lacking in facts, just call someone a racist or
misogynist or pedophile or teabagger to win your point.


Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by SouthernGentleman »

John, Lets review your intro page on generational dynamics website. It states you take no sides in political battles. For every rant of the blue team, we can see rants of Rush or Hannity or the Trump. I am amazed that such an intelligent person as yourself can fall victim to the red vs blue politics.

My questions are related to how a trade war with China or condemning Russia affects the upcoming clash of the civilization war. Does it speed up the alignment you predict?

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Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by John »

Where do you claim that I took sides in the political battles? I've
taken no sides in the race between Romney and Obama.

If Rush or Hannity or Trump started spreading filth, for example by
making racist remarks about Obama, then I would not hesitate to be
equally critical.

But as soon as I say that, then you can see what the problem is. If
Rush or Hannity or Trump said something racist, it would be national
news, and we would never hear the end of it.

But if someone on the left says something racist, as they have
continually for 20 years about Clarence Thomas, or as Chris Matthews
does, then there's no one but me to criticize them, because the
mainstream media is fully supportive of left-wing racism.

In my opinion, the left is far more racist than the right because
they're never held to account for their racism. Thus, they can become
more and more racist, secure in the knowledge that their racism will
never be criticized. It's a similar phenomenon to Gen-X banksters
never getting blamed or investigated or prosecuted for their crimes,
which means that they can go on committing greater and greater crimes,
knowing that they'll never be sent to jail. If they get caught at
all, the result is that they have to pay back a small fraction of the
money they obtained by fraud. Similarly, with racism so common on the
left, if a racist remark is even noticed, then the perpetrator can
simply issue an insincere apology, and it's forgotten.

There are many ways that American racism can be discussed. For
example, the NY Times could write an analysis on the subject, or
Gallup could do a poll on how many Southerners are voting for Romney
because of race.

I myself have written such an article -- not about American racism, but about
American xenophobia:

** American xenophobia on the Left and on the Right
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 07#e101107

A similar analysis of American racism on the left and right would be
very welcome, at least by me, but it could never be written, except by
someone like me.

And for a major news commentator to go on national TV and say,
implicitly or explicitly, that all Romney supporters are motivated by
racism, then there's no place for that kind of filth in America. And
as you may note from my the home page of my web site, I AM

In the last crisis era, the KKK represented the extremes of hatred and
racism in America. In this crisis era, my opinion is that Chris
Matthews represents the extreme of hatred and racism today, and
there's no place for Matthews' kind of filth in America.

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Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by John »

Here's an addendum to my last message:

I've received some bitter criticism from "Breitbartians" and other
people on the right for referring to hate groups in Europe, such as
Greece's Golden Dawn or Hungary's Jobbik, as "far right." I've been
accused of trying to sabotage the right wing in America by supposedly
implying that there's an equivalence between Golden Dawn and the
American right. I'm used to this kind of criticism, because I get it
all the time from all sides.

If I'm going to write about the far right in Greece, and if I'm going
to write about anti-Muslim xenophobia in Russia, or anti-Japanese
xenophobia in China, then you can be damn sure that I'm not going to
be shy about writing about left-wing racism in America, a country
whose ideals are that such racism shouldn't exist.


Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by Guest »

John, calm down, I am sure you understand that we are in an Orwellian word/mind web , where words can have flexible and contradictory meanings, depending on the user and their intent.
The seeking and the discussion of objective truthful reality is avoided, feared, or suppressed for many reasons. This type of closed mindedness exists in all areas of human activity and is the source of almost all of the worlds problems, and has existed for a very long time.

Regarding the "Golden Dawn" they exist as a reaction against something "real". For people to dismiss them as " ignorant bigoted wacko's" is shorted sighted. The Golden Dawn appears to be reacting to "something", either in the only way they know how ,due to ignorance, OR, and the more likely, because all other nonviolent options are blocked. Same old, same old.


Reality Check
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Re: 24-Oct-12 World View -- Qatar breaks Gaza blockade

Post by Reality Check »

Guest wrote:
Regarding the "Golden Dawn" they exist as a reaction against something "real". For people to dismiss them as " ignorant bigoted wacko's" is shorted sighted. The Golden Dawn appears to be reacting to "something", either in the only way they know how ,due to ignorance, OR, and the more likely, because all other nonviolent options are blocked. Same old, same old.

Which is the only reason Golden Dawn is worth mentioning.

They have only token representation in elected positions.

But, when the Greek police are referring people to Golden Dawn, as an alternative to seeking help from the police or the legal system, then one must assume the legal and political system is so broken in Greece,that the police are seeking help from alternatives to the official government, for the purposes of keeping the peace and maintaining public order.

It is exactly because Golden Dawn is a symptom of Greek Societal and Governmental decay that they are important.

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