21-Sep-10 News -- Sweden shocked at anti-immigrant victories

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21-Sep-10 News -- Sweden shocked at anti-immigrant victories

Post by John »

21-Sep-10 News -- Sweden shocked at anti-immigrant victories

China threatens Japan over detention of fishing boat captain

** 21-Sep-10 News -- Sweden shocked at anti-immigrant victories
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 21#e100921

"Swedes shocked as 'far right' party spring from nothing in election"
"Additional links"
China threatens consequences over Japan's detention of fishing captain
North Korea schedules party congress for September 28
Politicians meet in NYC to discuss Millennium Development Goals
US is concerned that Mideast peace talks are near collapse
IRS provides info on tax mailings for identity thieves


Re: 21-Sep-10 News -- Sweden shocked at anti-immigrant victories

Post by Guest »

Kudus to you John

Being a frequent reader of your site, I welcome some news from my small country in the north!!

I would say the shocked would not be the right word for anyone who can read a newpapaer, it was clear in the polls weeks before the election that the Swedish democratic party would gain more then 4 % in the election and the discussion was if they where going to get any influence or not.
Now it is easy to get paper headlines when things are absolute but to be honest, it was not a shock to me!

Sweden has had a minority goverment for most of the time the last 30 years so that is more normal than unnormal, the difference now is that we have two blocks standing agaist each other where it will be a bit tricky for the Alliance to get support from one of the redgreen parties. Also, the budet rules imposed in 1990(when we had our big finance crise) is helping the Alliance to pass the budget without any other support. Sure, have to deal with the Swedish democratic party will be unpleasant for everyone, but in the short run, not a major problem.

However, it is true that there are a lot of people who thinks that Sweden has not addessed the imigrationproblems in a good way and the establishment has not taken the debate with the Swedish Democratic party properly.

I would say, the majority of people voting for the swedish democratic party came from the Unions(social democrats) and Moderate party, men in the age of 40-60, lost their jobs in swedish manufacturing companies as a result of the ongoing shift of jobs to Asia or East Eurpean countries.They have lost their hope in the establishment, both left and right wing and they voted on the Swedish Democrats to show that they are unsatisfied and angry at both blocks.

The social democratic party was something else and they had a clear message, vote for us, we will stop imigration so that the jobs in Sweden stays with the Swedish people.
Well, I do not thing that swedish men, about 50 years old, would take a job as cleaner at Mcdonalds but they still voted for them.

Sweden is also entering a crises era but in a very modest way and there is no way that the establishment can ignore all these unsatified unemployed workers(we have 8%). In Denmark, the parties have adopted the hard line imigration laws and got back some support but that have then legalized the ethnic xenophobia.
That is dangerous in the long run.

I support your analysis, although there are more facts behind.

Having said that, I am also frequent reader of Martin Armstrongs predictions which I also find interesting, the fincial waves from history, repeating itselfs. He is more accurate in the timing of events then you are.
Ie Stock market rising to june, then a major panic followed by the mother of all stock market runs until 2015 until the big crash. Interest rates start to rise from june 2011 into 2015.
Deflations continues and we se a shift in capital flowing from the state to private market. Countries will default on their debt as that always have done. Housing values will continue to plummet into 2030. We live in interesting times, who shall we blame to keep the power...


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