*** 3-Jul-13 World View -- Aghan Taliban scores another big terror attack in Kabul
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Egypt's Morsi gives angry, desperate speech to save his job
- Egypt's deposed president Hosni Mubarak says Morsi should resign
- Aghan Taliban scores another big terror attack in Kabul
- Greece and Portugal compete for this week's biggest euro crisis
**** Egypt's Morsi gives angry, desperate speech to save his job

Fireworks burst over anti-Morsi protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square (AP)
The job of Egypt's president Mohamed Morsi appeared increasingly shaky
on Tuesday in another day of massive anti-Morsi protests countered by
much smalled pro-Morsi protests, as as five cabinet ministers and
several other high government officials all resigned from the
government. At the end of the day, a furious Morsi gave an hour-long
televised speech running past midnight, punching the air and pounding
the podium, warning that he was the country's legitimately elected
president and must be permitted to serve out his four-year term:
<QUOTE>"It is normal after revolution for there to be
opposition and support. We wrote a constitution and it was
(passed) via referendum. We had legitimacy afterwards, and this
legitimacy is what guarantees for us that there be no infighting
between us and no bloodshed if we respect it. ...
The old regime don’t want democracy. They’re used to rigging
elections. They don’t know what democracy and freedom of
expression are. They are using the youth and those suffering from
the economic problems to sow chaos and violence. Why doesn’t this
violence appear until they announce they will change the regime
and abort democracy? ...
My message to you all, to the opposition, is that I will stand by
this legitimacy. And to the supporters who respect democracy and
love legitimacy, safeguard Egypt and the revolution. Don’t let the
revolution be stolen from you, opponents and supporters. ...
I want to say some clear points... There is no alternative for
legitimacy, constitutional legitimacy, legal legitimacy, the
legitimacy of elections held before. After this I decided there
is no alternative for legitimacy and keeping an open channel for
dialogue...Legitimacy is the only guarantee against violence. The
old regime won’t return....If this initiative isn’t accepted, the
country will go down a dark road and we’ll be back to square one.
To save the nation we need to sacrifice, but not against each
other....when we announce jihad that must be against foreign
enemies and not against each other. We sacrifice for our country
and I am the first to sacrifice. If the cost for legitimacy is my
blood I will give it easily. There are many challenges but the
biggest is not to fall in the trap and take the country in the
wrong direction, and make our enemies happy.
My iron will is with my people and is unshaken."<END QUOTE>
The army has issued an ultimatum saying that unless a political
agreement is reached by Wednesday, then they will lay out a political
roadmap to amend the constitution and have elections within six
months. Morsi's defiant speech was his response.
According to one report, the army turned against Morsi two weeks ago,
when he was speaking at an international conference on Syria being
held in Cairo. At that conference, he used the word "infidels" to
denounce both the Shia militants supporting Syria's president Bashar
al-Assad, and the secularists opposing him in Egypt. Even worse,
Morsi suggested that Egypt's army join the fight against al-Assad.
According to one anonymous army source, "The armed forces were very
alarmed by the Syrian conference at a time the state was going through
a major political crisis."Al-Ahram (Cairo) and Reuters
**** Egypt's deposed president Hosni Mubarak says Morsi should resign
Hosni Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for decades until he was deposed by the
January 2011 "Egyptian revolution," and is now in jail, says that he
stepped down in 2011 because he wanted to respond to the demands of
the people and to "save lives." He says that Morsi should step down
for the same reason. Al-Arabiya
**** Aghan Taliban scores another big terror attack in Kabul

Ruins of Nato supply building in Kabul on Tuesday (AP)
The Afghan Taliban are taking credit for a truck bomb and gun attack
on a Nato supply company, killing nine people, including four
Nepalese, one Briton, one Romanian, and three Afghans. According to
the Taliban statement:
<QUOTE>"An important foreign logistic and supply facility was
attacked, first by an explosive-filled truck which removed all the
barriers and followed by devoted mujahideen armed with small and
heavy weapons entering the base."<END QUOTE>
You may recall, Dear Reader, that this is the same Taliban to which
the U.S. administration is making one concession after another, in its
desperate attempt to reach a peace agreement with, rather than face a
military disaster as troops are withdrawn in 2014. President Barack
Obama said recently that he expected "a lot of bumps in the road" to
achieving a peace settlement, and so I guess this major attack on a
Nato facility in Kabul is just one of those bumps. At any rate, the
"peace process" will continue. AFP
**** Greece and Portugal compete for this week's biggest euro crisis
Spiegel is reporting that Greece can expect a new "haircut" after
Germany's elections three months from now. According to the report,
the reason that German chancellor Angela Merkel is saying that no new
haircut will be necessary is because doing so would her reelection
What we're talking about here is investors who hold bonds issued
by Greece (Greece's version of U.S. Treasury bonds). When the
bailout agreement on July 21, 2011, was announced with great
joyous fanfare and singing and dancing, the eurozone finance
ministers said that these investors would have to take a 21%
"haircut," meaning that they would lose 21% of their investment,
and that they would do "voluntarily." Things went downhill
after that. Every time the eurozone finance ministers held a meeting,
the amount of the haircut went up -- to 50%, then 60%, then 70%,
and finally at 74%. That is, an investor who held $1 million in
Greek bonds would now have only $260,000 in bonds. So if the
report is correct, then investors in Greek bonds are going to lose
even more.
However, that crisis is at least 3 months off. Greece faces a much
bigger crisis this weekend. Representatives of the "troika" of
organizations bailing out Greece -- the European Commission (EC), the
European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
-- are in Athens again this week, and they're saying that Greece has
not sufficiently reduced its public sector to meet its bailout
conditions. If Greece fails to convince the troika that it's on
target, then IMF rules will require that it back out of the bailout,
and Greece will go bankrupt in August, when it has to pay about 2.2
billion euros to bondholders. So it's going to be one of those
weekends when everyone is in a state of panic, and then on Sunday
night a new agreement is announced with great joyous fanfare and
singing and dancing, and it will be just as much of a scam as all the
other bailout announcements.
Meanwhile, the government in Portugal appears to be collapsing, as two
cabinet ministers resigned this week over bitter disagreements over
the terms of Portugal's bailout program. Like Greece, Portugal is far
from meeting the austerity commitments for its bailout, and the
economy appears bleaker every week. Spiegel and Reuters and BBC
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Egypt, Mohamed Morsi,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Hosni Mubarak,
Afghanistan, Taliban, Nato,
Greece, Troika, Portugal
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